Console gaming : Playstation VR: Loading Human - Chapter 1
Loading Human - Chapter 1
Loading Human - Chapter 1
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EAN: 5016488129312
Brand: Maximum Games
Stock: 1

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Loading Human - Chapter 1

Immerse your senses in the ultimate VR adventure!

Chapter One

Your dying father, an esteemed scientist, has summoned you to his Antarctic base to undergo an intensive interstellar quest: retrieve the Quintessence, an elusive energy source believed to stop death.

Immerse your senses in this sci-fi action adventure with moral choices to make, elevated stakes, and a deep, episodic story that will allow you to truly live the game.

- Created exclusively for Virtual Reality using Unreal Engine 4
- Interact with each aspect of your environment and develop complex relationships
- Travel to a gorgeous, otherworldly, and futuristic location on the South Pole
- Hear your character's thoughts, see his hands, and move your head to view your surroundings from his point of view for a highly immersive experience
- Make difficult decisions and solve dilemmas that will move the story forward.

Shipping within approximately 4 business days*
*: the delivery times are indications & depend on suppliers and transport companies
